I work as a UX/UI designer and Art Director in Berlin with focus on creating mobile apps and websites. As former lead product designer at eBay and senior art director at Aperto/IBM i can look back on more than 10 years of digital design experience.

For detailed information and more work examples, just feel free to drop me a line or request my digital portfolio.

Areas of expertise

UX/UI Design, Interaction Design, Art direction, Prototyping, Usability testing, HTML/CSS, Sketch, Adobe CC, Wireframing, Google Material Design, iOS Human Interface Guidelines, Conversion optimization, A/B testing, Agile processes (Scrum/Kanban)


WWF, Aperto, SOS Kinderdorf, Welthungerhilfe, Berliner Flughäfen, Technisches Hilfswerk, Rehau, Auswärtiges Amt, BZ, Continental, Siemens, ZDF, EZB, Baden-Württemberg, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, beBerlin, WeightWatchers, Studieren in Fernost, Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom, WatchBerlin, Stadt Gütersloh, zanox, Hotel Q!, Anett Röstel, Unrath & Strano, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt, Dressed like Machines, Auctionata, DirectLine, Melisch Architekten, Pretty Hotels Blog, eBay Kleinanzeigen, Motor-Talk, MisterSpex, CZYWRK, careship, SMITH – Seyffert mit Himmelspach, Milkmonkey, Haus der kleinen Forscher


German & English


  • German Design Award
  • IF communication design Award
  • W³ Award der International Academy of the Visual Arts
  • Annual Multimedia (Silber)
  • WebAward
  • Nominiert für den Designpreis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  • Goldene BIENE für Barrierefreies Webdesign
  • GWA Social Effie (Silber)
  • WebAward
  • red dot award: communication design
  • ADC Nagel (Bronze)
  • Deutscher Multimedia Award DMMA (Gold)
  • Econ Award (Platin)
  • IF communication design Award (Gold)
  • OnlineStar (Silber)
  • Annual Multimedia
  • Lead Award (Silber)
  • Yahoo! Finds of the Year

Ping me! If you have a nice project coming up or you want to collaborate, just send me a note.

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